By Dr. Emil Tompkins, a Northwest Tucson Chiropractor with a passion for helping children reach ultimate health
We were looking at the 10 reasons why you should take a child to the Chiropractor. Here’s 5 through 10:
- Immune function: There are research studies that show that Chiropractic adjustments may affect immune function. Upper cervical adjustments have an immediate impact on white blood cell count. There is also research that shows that adjustments can increase certain antioxidant levels in the body. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 1989; 12 (4) Aug: 289-292
- ADD/ADHD: One of the most common reasons to bring your child to a pediatric chiropractor is for Attention Deficit Disorder. A combination of correcting neurological imbalances found in the spine. Training the child to respond more normally to sensory input can also be helpful to your child. Nutritional testing and Giesen JM, Center DB, Leach RA J Manipulative Physiol Ther 1989 (Oct);12 (5):353-363
- Autism: The senses help children make sense of the world and any impairment creates an imbalance, an inability to receive and process information from the environment as taken in through the nervous system. For this reason, proper sensory functioning is often referred to as a ‘foundation’ skill. As our knowledge of helping children and adults with autism has grown, an interdisciplinary approach to treatment appears to be the most beneficial. Especially within the realm of occupational therapy, various techniques have been developed to treat the sensory
integration aspect of autism. Chiropractic, which can be highly effective with this population, is often overlooked. Chiropractic care should be the cornerstone of the sensory integration treatment plan for the PDD child.
- Asthma: Asthma is caused by a reactive airway. The lungs, bronchi, bronchioles react to an outside stimulus, allergy, exercise, stress, and the airway begins to close, this greatly affects child’s ability to breathe. Research studies.
show that Chiropractic adjustments improve the impairment ratings in children with asthma. A possible reason why is that the nerves that travel from the lower cervical spine to the upper thoracic spine can be imbalanced sending abnormal signals to the lungs. This can cause a more reactive airway, leading to more asthma symptoms. FROM: Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research 1997; 1 (4) Jul: 1–8 - Scoliosis: Many people believe that a scoliosis is something that develops at random for no explainable reason. Some children get it and some children don’t. Well, nothing could be further from the truth. According to research by Dr. Robert Mawhinnie and others, 85% of all scoliosis develop as the result of childhood lateral spinal trauma. Many of these childhood spinal traumas go unnoticed, ignored, or discounted as, “it’s nothing, just shake it off.” Research has shown the dangers of believing, “it’s nothing,” because these spinal traumas almost always cause subluxation. Left untreated, the subluxated spine heals incorrectly and then may grow improperly, resulting in the development of scoliosis. So scoliosis is not something that just happens at random. Most scoliosis develops as the result of childhood lateral spinal trauma, spinal injury, and uncorrected subluxation. Your chiropractor can address and correct imbalances in the spine and in many cases, improve the curvature found in scoliosis.
These are just a few reasons why you should have your children checked by a chiropractor. It is possible to help your kids to achieve health at an early age. Don’t let your kids grow up to have the same health issues that you did. Help them early. Take them to a family chiropractor.
Dr. Emil Tompkins
Dr. Emil Tompkins is a family Chiropractor in Tucson, AZ who has taken care of thousands of families and children over the last 9 years. If you would like to see how chiropractic can help you, contact our office at 520-572-2596 to schedule a consultation for your child. Htttp://