80% of people with non traumatic shoulder pain are probably dealing with an impingement. and it’s really important to take care of it when it is a shoulder impingement, because by the time it turns into a rotator cuff tear, it is a whole lot harder to take care of. So I’m going to give you a couple of really simple exercises today that you can do that will help you with your shoulder.
Let’s get started. Number one is hanging. Some people notice improvement in their shoulder impingement with a hanging exercise. If you hang and hear an audible clunk, you definitely have impingement, but the shoulder is also not very stable and the next steps are going to be even more important for you.
So I want you to find something to hang on and just hang for five to 15 seconds. Not very long at all. Just try to give you a little bit more space in that shoulder. If you’re doing this exercise, if you’re hanging and it hurts you like any other exercise that we recommend here, don’t do it. Go ahead and stop and make sure that anything that you do is something that is a recommendation from your.
The next exercise is external rotation. We have to start training the muscles that are holding the shoulder in and forward to start normalizing that movement. So external rotation is the key. You can perform this exercise standing with no weight, standing with bands or lying down with Dumbo. Oh, Hey, if you like this kind of content, click below to subscribe to our channel, click the bell.
If you want to get notified when the next video drops probably next week and even send us a shout in the comments we’d love to hear from you. Next exercise is the chicken wing. Bring your arm behind your back and push it out. And behind you, it looks like a chicken wing. Maybe this stabilizes, a rotator cuff muscle called the subscapularis.
You’re going to perform that exercise 20 times, holding for one to two seconds in between
the next exercise is the I T Y exercise. This exercise is going to train each of your rotator cuff muscles to stabilize the shoulder. Your shoulder is sitting too far up in the joint because each of the muscles aren’t working well together. So we need to train all of them. So you’re gonna get. This exercise in different ways, you can perform this exercise standing with bands.
You can perform this exercise lying down. You can perform this exercise, lying down with weights, but in general, initially we don’t use any weights for these exercises because they are a challenge. We try to make this as simple as possible. So lying down, you’ll have your arms out in front of you over your head, and you’re going to lift the arms you’re in the eye position.
When you do that, you’re going to, you’re going to lift the arms and hold that position for two to three seconds and repeat it 20 times. You’re going to do the same thing with your arms in the T position. You’re going to do the same thing with your arms in the Y. Make sure for any of these exercises, try to perform them with the thumbs pointed up.
Just make sure that everything’s externally rotated. So we’re teaching your body to hold itself in the right position. So there you go. We’ve got a few exercises to help you with shoulder impingement, try them out. See what you think. And let me know in the comments, if there’s something that you’ve tried, that’s made a big difference in your shoulder pain.
We would love to hear about it guys. I’m Dr. Emil Tompkins have a great day and we’ll see you in the next video.