Hey guys, today we’re going to talk about how you can help your child be healthy with chiropractic care and just weight number five’s a doozy. Let’s get started. Hey guys, I’m dr mil Tomkins and over the last 16 years we have been taking care of thousands of families and children in Southern Arizona and we’re going to talk about the five ways you and your child can be healthy with chiropractic care. Number one, your child is constantly growing and as they’re growing and developing their spine is growing and changing and that opportunity for things to be balanced or not really fluctuates at this time and so during this time is vitally important to make sure that everything is in the right position. Preventing things like scoliosis and preventing certain issues with poor posture. Now we spend a lot of time on our devices and if we’re growing as we’re in this position, we can have a life long negative problems because of that and your chiropractor can help you with that.
Number two is immune support. Chiropractic can help you with your immune system. The upper cervical part of the spine. Adjustments up there have been shown to activate white blood cells. Those white blood cells help to fight off disease. Bacteria had illnesses and so simple adjustments can make a difference in your immune system. Number three, better sleep. It has been one of the most common side effects that we see in babies after being adjusted is they start to sleep better and when the nervous system is balanced between that sympathetic, the fight or flight and the parasympathetic, the rest and digest. When you get those parts of the nervous system more balanced, which chiropractic can do, then we start to notice things like sleep improve. Number four, asthma and breathing issues. Adjustments in the lower cervical part of the spine have been shown to have an effect on lung function and adjustments in the thoracic part of the spine help the ribs and the ribs will expand and contract while you’re breathing, allowing normal breathing to occur.
But when we have problems in the spine, sometimes we can see some difficulty in that expanding and contracting. Contracting, excuse me, affecting our breathing. Effecting asthma and chiropractic can make a difference. So if your child is dealing with something like that, they definitely should see a chiropractor. Also check one of our previous videos that talks about chiropractic and allergies, very specific adjustments to the upper part of the neck can help you with your allergies. And I have a whole other video that explains that. So check that out. And the last one we’ll talk about today, and I can do quite a few of these videos. Chiropractic can help your baby with breastfeeding and latching. There are certain types of cranial misalignments, tongue tie and a number of other issues that can make a difference in baby’s ability to feed. So one of the things that we focus on is very specific adjustments to realign that upper cervical part of the spine.
Certain cranial types of techniques that help baby to latch and feed better. We get a lot of referrals from surgeons after tongue tie surgery to help babies start to have more normal mobility in their mouth and improving their ability to feed. It’s something that we’re excited to be able to do. So there you have it. The five ways your child can benefit from chiropractic care. And as a parent, I know how important it is to do everything that we can to help our children have an opportunity to be as healthy as possible and in a natural way to know that, that if we can, that there is a possibility to not have to take a medication for everything that comes up, that there are natural ways that we can get our body really good and healthy and strong so that we don’t need a lot of that stuff. And that’s what chiropractic can do for you. Hey guys, have a great day and we’ll see you soon.
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