below is a transcript of the video by Dr. Tompkins
Hey guys, I’m dr Emil Tompkins and today we’re going to talk about the three reasons why neuropathy is going to affect your balance and three ways to improve your balance once you’ve lost it. Over the last 15 years, we’ve been taking care of families here in Southern Arizona. We’ve been taking care of people with neuropathy and I have people that come in that are really surprised when they start developing neuropathy and then they start noticing changes in their balance. Now, neuropathy is a condition where we start having damage to peripheral nerves. Um, especially in the feet is usually where it starts. But what happens is over time we start noticing, um, less and less sensation. And as you have less and less sensation in your feet, one of the first things that we notice honestly is nothing because feeling less, it doesn’t cause you to feel anything.
So then you, you don’t actually notice that you’re, you’re dealing with a problem. But over time, once you’re feeling the less and less and less in the feet, if it gets bad enough, at some point you’re not even gonna really feel what’s underneath you. That can cause a major problem with your balance. And so improving that balance is going to be incredibly important. Some of the other reasons why we can notice that his proprius actors, when those nerves start becoming damaged in the feet, there are these little nerve bundles called proprioceptors and those little nerve bundles send information back into the brain. And that communication pathway back and forth tells your brain where your body is in space, helps your body to be able to maintain normal balance. But what can happen a lot of times is when we’re, we’re noticing an issue with um, the neuropathy where those nerves are being damaged, those appropriate sectors aren’t sending those messages back and forth very quickly.
And so what then happens is your body starts to have more difficulty maintaining its balance cause it’s not getting that message quickly enough from the appropriate sectors. So when something happens that causes you to lose your balance, you don’t regain it fast enough cause that signal didn’t happen quickly enough and then then there’s a fall or an accident or something. And so balance is a very important key with neuropathy. We want to start changing it, improving what we’re feeling way before we get to that point where we’re losing our balance. Some of the other issues, because neuropathy tends to happen as we get older, other conditions affect our balance. Like our inner ear. You have these little canals in the inner ear, and when the fluid doesn’t move very well, that can also affect the balance. Certain issues in the brain, the cerebellum can also cause problems with our balance.
So there are a lot of things that can create the imbalance that we’re, that we’re dealing with. So let’s now talk about the ways that you can improve your balance. If you’re dealing with neuropathy. Number one, we’ve got to improve how the nerves function. So we take steps to be able to do that. One, we need to blood flow out to those nerves. And so the way that we do that is very specific. There’s very specific wavelengths of light that help to improve blood flow. There’s certain supplements, combinations of arginine and citrulline that will make a difference in the neuropathy that, um, that you’re feeling and that will start to help improve your balance. Once you get the nerve function back. Balance can change. Now a lot of times we also need to, um, encourage our body to start balancing better. And typically the way that we do that is with some very specific balance exercises.
Using a vibration plate to do certain exercises will help train the body better. That vibration plate, as you’re doing exercise on it, it’s vibrating underneath you and that sends a lot of messages to those proprioceptors, which then shoots the message up into the brain to help the brain understand where your body is. The research shows that it’s much more effective to use a vibration plate with exercises than not, especially when you’re trying to regain your balance. And then step number three is create progressive stress in your balance. And what I mean by that, in creating progressive stress, um, here’s an example of how you would do that with a balance exercise. One of the first things that we’ll have people do is just practice standing on one leg, hold on to something and stand on one leg. And depending on how bad your balances, sometimes even that by itself is hard.
But once you can do that for one minute without a problem, you then want to graduate to standing on one leg. I’m not holding on to anything. And then working on your balance, you’re stressing your body a little bit more to be able to accomplish that. So that’s the next step. We’ve created some progressive stress. We’re not holding on to anything. And then the next step beyond that is going to be to try to do that with your eyes closed. Again, stressing the body, making this exercise, um, more challenging, uh, is a way that you can progressively stress your body so that your balance will improve quicker. Now, balance doesn’t tend to come back very quickly. It’s a very hard thing to, to, to lose and recover. Um, so it takes some time to do that. But if you’re patient and you follow the right steps, um, then you can see great changes in your balance. Our protocol was very specifically designed to use things like fuel, um, correcting blood flow, activating the nerves to get the, to get the peripheral nerves that are damaged with peripheral neuropathy healing. That’s the first step. You put the other pieces together and we start seeing some major changes in how we’re feeling. So today you can sign up for our seminar. We can go over how we’re going to start making major changes in your balance. And let’s go ahead and get started. I’m dr mil Tompkins. Have a great day and we’ll see you soon.
Have a look at this article: 4 Point Checklist For Neuropathy Relief