The Meeting
When I was a kid, I had one of the most important meetings that a high school student would have. That’s the meeting with the guidance counselor. You know, the one where you talk about the future and what you want to do with the rest of your life. And the guidance counselor helps to lead and guide and direct you on how to get there. So I sit with the counselor and I tell her that I’d like to be a mechanical engineer, build the coolest cars and that sort of thing. She looks down at her transcript and she looks at me and looks down at her notes again. And then she looks back at me and says, well, maybe you should be a mechanic who fixes cars. There’s nothing wrong with the mechanic. And in fact, a few years ago, I literally rebuilt the suspension on my Jeep, but that’s not what I wanted to do for my career. I wanted to be an engineer, but she kind of crushed that dream.
Not Good Enough
Then I remembered, well, I always did want to be a doctor, maybe cure cancer or something like that. Except by the time I was in high school, I wasn’t such a fan of medication. So we’re having some, some major conflict there, but that’s for another video. So I asked her, how about maybe a doctor? And so she looked down at her transcripts and looked back at me and she said, well, how about an assistant to the doctor? Like physician assistant a nurse, something like that. Again, nothing wrong with either of those professions, but that’s not what I wanted to do. And so I walked out of that meeting feeling really dejected. Now, luckily I wasn’t the only one at that meeting. This is that what you’re going to do with the rest of your life. So my mom was there and she told me, as we walked out, do you not listen to that woman?
You can do all things
You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you? Yes, I grew up pretty religious. And at that moment I needed every bit of it. She said that that I can achieve anything and accomplish anything. And a couple of months later, it was announced in my school newspaper because my guidance counselor didn’t actually give me this information. But, but it was in our school newspaper that I received this big scholarship to Iowa state university to study of all things engineering. Eventually I did realize that engineering wasn’t actually for me, I switched majors. And for the last 10, 18 years, he’s me, I’ve been Dr. Tompkins, the family chiropractor who’s cared for thousands of families and children here in our region. And some of our message methods are being learned around the world. I’m telling you this story because one person could have held me back from achieving my goals and dreams, but I had more than one thing that helped me through.
3 Things That You Turn To When Something Is Holding You Back
And that’s why we’re here today. These things are my faith. There was something bigger than me, much bigger than me that I could turn to in times of struggle next to my family. I had someone that no matter who was saying things that would potentially hold me back, that they were stepping in to help lift me up. And then my work, what I had to do, the scholarship didn’t just drop out of the sky. I had to work hard to be able to get to that point, to even receive it. So if you think that you’re being held back, my question for you today is what do you have? That’s bigger than you, that you can turn in. You can turn to in times of struggle, who are the people that are consistently building you up instead of trying to tear you down and constantly point out your wrongs, what work are you doing to be able to accomplish your goals in health and life? No, one’s going to do it for you. You have to step into this yourself. What things have helped you in times that you felt like you were being held back? That’s what I’d like to know. What’s helped you in these times that you have been held back. Hey, put it down in the comments. I would love, love to hear from you guys. I’m Dr. Emil Tompkins. I thank you so much for joining me. Don’t let anything hold you back and let’s achieve those great health goals.
Have a look at this article: How to Stay Motivated to Eat Well and Exercise