Getting the grandkids up and about is one of the best parts of being a grandparent. But those moments can become a real pain for your lower back if you’re not careful! Here are some tips to help you pick up your grandchildren without hurting your lower back.
1. Get close: Try to get as close as possible to the person you’re picking up – this means moving in towards them rather than leaning away. This will help you use your leg muscles instead of straining your lower back.
2. Squeeze and lift: When it comes time to pick up the kiddo, bend at your hips and knees (like you’re doing a squat). Squeeze your buttocks and thigh muscles together – this will give you extra power to lift with. Make sure to keep your back straight when lifting.
3. Take breaks: If you plan on doing some heavy lifting, take frequent breaks to rest your lower back. It’s important to let your muscle recover so it can stay strong for the next time you pick up the grandkids!
Following these tips will help ensure that getting those big hugs from the grandkids doesn’t lead to a sore lower back later on. Enjoy all those special moments with your grandchildren without worrying about hurting yourself! Happy hugging! 🙂