Are you trying to figure out how to deal with stress, but you’re not sure what to do well today, we’re going to talk about 23 different methods, different ways that you can help reduce the levels of stress that you’re feeling. Hey guys, I’m dr. Emil Tompkins. And forRead More
How to boil down stress management in one simple equation!
Today we’re going to talk about how our attitude can affect the amount of stress that we’re under. I actually believe that you can evaluate your happiness literally into an equation and here’s that equation. I didn’t make it up. It is happiness = reality/expectation. Sometimes we have an ideaRead More
What Is Proper Standing Posture – Tucson Chiropractor
We’re going to talk about the four steps to improve your standing posture. This is part of our core four posture system, a complete online course that teaches you all the different steps to completely improve your posture. today we’re going to be talking about standing posture. And the reasonRead More
4 Steps To Relieve a Bulging Disc
Today we’re going to talk about four steps to relieve disc bulge pain. What you’re doing wrong. Many people with bulging discs do a couple of things that can cause them to struggle with pain longer. 1. Bed rest. Y can actually weaken all the stabilizing muscles, and you’ll struggleRead More
What Is Chiropractic Maintenance Care? – Tucson Chiropractor
Do you really need chiropractic wellness care? You might think that you don’t need chiropractic care for, for maintenance or wellness. That is just for pain relief right? And I get it. Chiropractic is great for helping people to relieve pain and who wants to have to go to aRead More