Are you aware that a lack of B vitamins in your diet can actually lead to heart conditions? It can affect your brain health, kind of your overall wellbeing. For example, if you’re missing a particular B vitamin, it can cause anemia, other conditions it can contribute to are depression, heart attack, stroke, etc.
Hey guys. Chris, your wellness consultant here at Tompkins family chiropractic today. I wanted to talk to you about B vitamins.
Digestive Issues And Medication
If you have issues with your gut such as ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, that too can cause a B vitamin deficiency. Certain medications like PPIs or protein pump inhibitors, inhibitors, anybody out there on prior OSAC or members, all those were designed for short term use. If you’ve been using them long term, they can cause vitamin B deficiency, antidepressants, uh, excessive use of antibiotics.
We Can Test
Do you want to know if you need more B’s in your life? I have a few ways that we can test for that. One of them, for example, is a heart sound recorder. I can actually do a test to tell me if your heart could benefit from some, B vitamin replacement. So give us a call here and schedule your appointment for a heart sound recorder or a nutritional response testing. Or just a nutritional consult, whichever it is, we’re here for you.
Chris provides nutritional and wellness consulting at Tompkins Family Chiropractic, for more information on how she can help you call us to schedule a consultation with her at 520-572-2596
Read Next: The one vitamin we all need and none of us have enough.