We have made it much easier for you to schedule in our office. You have a few options: You can Click here to go to http://tompkinschiropractic.com/schedule and you can schedule an appointment online. This works if you are a new patient or an existing patient. You can download the SKED.lifeRead More
We’re going to talk today about how something as simple as a tennis ball can help you with forward head posture. This is part of our Core 4 posture system where we teach you very specific exercises and tools and techniques to be able to improve your posture without evenRead More
Do We Really Need A Quick Fix?
In today’s society, we seem to always be looking for a quick fix. We drive through fast food lines. We go to the quick lube centers to have them change the oil as quickly as they can. We look for the latest fat blasting tool or machine to flatten ourRead More
Is There Something Besides Medication For Neuropathy?
So you’re dealing with neuropathy and you’d like to avoid medication. That’s actually something that that so many people are dealing with. Um, you’re going through so many health issues and by the time you have peripheral neuropathy and that continual damage to the nerves, a lot of times weRead More
What is the Best Sleep Position?
Hey guys, thank you for joining me. I’m dr Emil Tompkins and today we’re going to be talking about the sleep positions that are going to help you to relieve pain and be healthier. So when a question that I get very often is, what position should I sleep inRead More