Nowadays, with all the high tech advances in food, preparation, genetics and just technology altogether, there really shouldn’t be any deficiencies in America right? Dr. Emil Tompkins, Tucson Chiropractor and natural health advocate uncovers 5 nutritional deficiencies and what to do about them. Click here For the Inflavonoid IntensiveRead More
Tingling In The Hands and Feet? Find The Cause Today | Tucson Chiropractor
Imagine Imagine you’re driving down the street in your shiny new car and then you notice the check engine like comes on. At first it’s alarming but you take it to your local mechanic to have it checked out. How surprised would you be if the local mechanic went intoRead More
Kids First- Tuscon Chiropractor for Children
If you’ve experienced our office, you’ve probably realized that this is kind of a strange place that we have here. We do things just a little bit differently than you’d typically see. We’re a chiropractic office that many families bring their kids to first before the adults even come in.Read More
5 Reasons Sugar Is Bad For Your Brain – Nutrition and Mental Health, Addiction, Neurotoxins, Dr. Emil Tompkins
We all know sugar is not good for you, but did you know that sugar has 5 horrifying effects on the brain? Find out what sugar does to that brain of yours on our latest podcast. Join us each week as Dr. Emil Tompkins, your Tucson Chiropractor gives tips, strategiesRead More
What Is Wellness Chiropractic
What Exactly Does “Wellness Chiropractic Care” Mean? The Diet Imagine you’ve decided to go on a diet because you’ve decided that you need to lose 20 lbs. You start changing how you’re eating, you put away the sugar, you stop drinking 3 cokes a day, and it begins toRead More