Recently, I was watching Planet Earth 2 One of the most interesting scenes is where a small lizard was being chased by thousands of snakes. They were surrounding him and it appeared that there was no way for the lizard to escape. In fact, there was one moment where the snakes ACTUALLYRead More
What your MINDSET means for your pain.
By Dr. Emil Tompkins, a Marana Chiropractor with a passion for family health and wellness. Answer these questions? Your pain is something very basic about you but you can’t change it much. You’ve lived with this for a long time and it’s very unlikely that it will change. You areRead More
It’s NOT Yours | Chiropractor in Tucson
I want to share a story about one of my daughters. We adopted our little girl when she was two and when we adopted her, she wouldn’t talk to anyone and she was afraid of all men, especially me. She had a hard first two years of her lifeRead More
Episode 2: Why we’re here – How Claire’s story Changed Everything
Claire’s story is always a little shocking. But it made an impact on my life and the way that we practice at Tompkins family Chiropractic. Check it out here.
Beyond Pain Relief Podcast is Live – Active Life Acupuncture|Tucson Chiropractor
You’ve been asking for more in depth information on ways to eliminate your pain and improve your health. We’ve listened and created a podcast that will help you not only feel really fantastic, but improve your health. I interview local experts in the area of pain relief and wellness andRead More