S.M.A.R.T. System for Pain Relief Part 1 – Chiropractor Marana by Dr. Emil Tompkins, a Chiropractor in Marana, AZ with a passion for family health and wellness. If you’re going to truly be pain-free, you need a comprehensive approach. The S.M.A.R.T. system for pain relief addresses every area you’ll need toRead More
One Vitamin Can Change Your Depression | Dr. Emil Tompkins
by Dr. Emil Tompkins, a Chiropractor in Tucson, AZ with a passion for family health and wellness. 10% of American adults experience real depression and there are no shortage of suggestions on how to handle the symptoms of depression we’re dealing with. The most common are antidepressant medications. However theRead More
Depression and the Inflammation Connection – Chiropractor Marana
Depression and the Inflammation Connection – Marana Chiropractor By: Dr. Emil Tompkins, A Marana Chiropractor with a passion for family health and wellness. We are a society that struggles with depression. In America, 10 percent of our population or about 20 million adults per year suffer with depression. Scientists have uncoveredRead More
Use Food to Lower Stress – Marana Chiropractor
By Dr. Emil Tompkins a Marana Chiropractor with a passion for Family Health and Wellness. This month, we are learning about the IDEAS System of Stress Management. First, you identified the stresses in your life and how they may impact your health. (if you didn’t click here to downloadRead More
The IDEAS system for stress management – family Chiropractor in Marana
By Dr. Emil Tompkins: A family Chiropractor in Marana, AZ with a passion for family health and wellness. Do you feel that you are under stress right now? If you are like 75% of Americans you would say yes. Stress is a leading cause of illness and death in ourRead More