February is Healthy Heart Month. Check out our heart health guide and see how you can live healthier every day.
Natural Ways to Prevent Memory Decline – Tucson Chiropractor
by Dr. Emil Tompkins, a Family Chiropractor in Marana, AZ with a passion for health and wellness. As we get older our memory tends to decline. And for many years it’s been thought that there isn’t much you can do about it. But there’s new research that tells us otherwise.Read More
One way to lower blood pressure you’ve never heard of.
by: Dr. Emil Tompkins, a family chiropractor in Northwest Tucson with a passion for health and wellness. Heart disease is the leading killer in America. Primarily this disease is affecting us more and more due to our lifestyle choices. We eat more than we ever have. However our food choicesRead More
Get $800 of Health and Wellness products for only $219
Here’s what you get with the New Years weight loss and health special 1 Month supply of the Healthy Transformation program (valued at 274.95) 1 Free Chiropractic Evaluation (valued at 270.00) 1 Free Chiropractic Adjustment (Valued at 46.00) 5 Wellness Workshops (Valued at 49 each) Bang Head Here (Stress Mnagement) MoveRead More
Functional Exercises
Functional Exercise Routine Perform each exercise 10 times on each side. Start at the first exercise and move to the last, then repeat the series again. You’ll eventually work your way up to 3 times around the circuit. 1.) Medicine Ball Squat with Overhead lift 2.) Stair Climb withRead More