If you have a child with ADHD or a child somewhere on the autism spectrum? It can be frustrating to know what to do for them. But if you have identified the sensory area that needs developed (touch, visual, auditory, proprioceptive, vestibular), you can then focus on your attention thatRead More
Sensory Profile – Dr. Emil Tompkins
Here’s the sensory profile I mentioned in video 1 of “Defeat ADHD Naturally”. Complete this for your child and bring it to a qualified health professional if you suspect your child has problems with sensory integration. If you would like Dr. Tompkins to interpret the results of your child’s sensoryRead More
Practice What You Preach
Every day we have the pleasure of taking care of children in our office. Parents bring them in for a number of reasons. We’ll see babies when they have colic and parent’s are pleasantly surprised to see their children sleeping better after an adjustment. They are evenRead More
How Do I Choose a Chiropractor in Northwest Tucson/Marana?
You know you need to make a change in your health. You’ve decided that you need a chiropractor. How do you make the dicision who to see. Here’s a quick video that should help you. Have a healthy week. Dr. Emil Tompkins http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FC3TkMqpupQ Tompkins Family Chiropractic Marana and NorthwestRead More
Suprising causes of back pain – Northwest Tucson Chiropractor
Here’s a great article from Health.com that talks about some really surprising causes of back pain. For more information on how to avoid back pain forever click here. If you’ve ever had a bout of back pain, you’re not alone: According to the National Institutes of Health, 8 out ofRead More