Learn From Marana Chiropractic, Dr. Emil Tompkins how sleep can help you to be pain free. Rest, in most chronic pain studies, people in chronic pain also have a sleep disturbance. This leads us to realize that sleep, or lack of sleep will lead to pain. We must get a handleRead More
Use Your Brain to Fight Pain – Marana Chiropractor
Health tips from Marana Chiropractor, Dr. Emil Tompkins about relieving pain with a change in your mindset. Did you know, that you are 80% more likely to have back pain if you hate your job? At first, you may think this sounds silly, simple but your mind has a greatRead More
Movement and the SMART System For Pain Relief
by Dr. Emil Tompkins, a Marana Chiropractor with a passion for family health and wellness. We have been going over the SMART system for pain relief over the last few weeks. The S stands for structure. You can positively impact the structure of your body by maintaining good posture andRead More
Chiropractic and the S.M.A.R.T. System for Pain Relief | Marana Chiropractor
Imagine you’re a gardener. If you’re gardening and someone places a kink in the garden hose, what happens? Then if this pressure is applied forever how well will the garden do? You’re right it will die. We’re going to talk about the second part of the structural component of the SMARTRead More
Tompkins Family Chiropractic is in the News!!
By Dr. Emil Tompkins, A Chiropractor in Tucson with a passion for family health and wellness. Check it out. The team is in Tucson Lifestyle Magazine this month. We are so thankful to be part of this community! Posted by Tompkins Family Chiropractic Marana on Saturday, April 4, 2015 TompkinsRead More