You’ve been asking for more in depth information on ways to eliminate your pain and improve your health. We’ve listened and created a podcast that will help you not only feel really fantastic, but improve your health. I interview local experts in the area of pain relief and wellness andRead More
Chiropractor for Tongue-Tie? What Every Parent Should Know.
What Is Tongue-tie? Sometimes called ankyloglossia, tongue-tie is a condition in which someone is born with either a shorter, thicker, or tighter band of tissue connecting the bottom of their tongue to the floor of their mouth. As a result, this can limit the movement of baby’s tongue. Unfortunately, that movementRead More
Beyond the Pain-Why You’ll Want Wellness Chiropractic Care.
Today we are going to be talking about how to achieve better health, and how to achieve better health beyond a simple pain relief. So first, Id like you to imagine a group of people that lived in this village. This group of people in this village were trying toRead More
One Adjustment for A Baby With Down’s And It Changed Everything.
I was asked a question about why we’re here, why you do the things that we do. Because, in our office we take pride in the fact that we do things differently. There are a lot of reasons why we do. One very specific reason was this young girl that I gotRead More