How Your Body Stays Balanced Scientists have discovered that your brain relies on information from your muscles and joints around your spine to maintain balance and posture. This process is called sensorimotor function. Neck Pain and Sensorimotor Function A study examined how neck pain affects sensorimotor function in older adults.Read More
Chiropractic Care and Mental Health
Did you know that many people who receive chiropractic care report that it helps with much more than just reducing pain? According to a large recent survey of almost 35 thousand people in the United States, almost 70% of them who had received chiropractic care reported that chiropractic care improvedRead More
Symptoms – How Important Are They
If you are visiting your chiropractor today because you have a symptom, such as pain, it is important to understand that troublesome symptoms don’t appear out of thin air. They build up over time like the analogy of straws on a camel’s back. Hundreds of straws are stacked up overRead More
What’s the popping sound during your adjustment?
What is that Popping Sound? If you have been adjusted before by a chiropractor you may have noticed a popping sound that may seem a little strange. Many people think all kinds of strange things about this popping sound, so what actually is it? The Proof It’s now clear thatRead More
Chiropractic Helps Your Brain
Your body is incredibly fascinating, and your nervous system is maybe the most important. While it’s common knowledge that your brain receives information about your surroundings through sensory organs like your eyes, ears, and nose, there’s another group of sensory organs you might not have considered: your muscles. BeyondRead More