If you listen to popular advertising, we should all be consuming more whole grains in our diet. While some whole grains are thought to have positive health benefits, our country’s obsession with wheat products may be wreaking havoc on our health.
11 steps to natural carpal tunnel relief
Here are 11 great tips for office workers, typists and keyboardists to help prevent or eliminate pain in your carpal tunnel area
This method will cut your health care costs by 64%
Healthcare is not cheap and nowadays we are looking to make our financial lives easier, one area that makes us cringe is the cost of healthcare. Spinal surgery can cost us upwards of 40, 000 to $200, 000. Is there any other solution to the health care crisis.
Amazing Stress Management Technique – Tell the Truth
One of the biggest problems my patients deal with today is stress. Stress affects every part of our lives and even can wreak havoc on our health. Because of this, we are constantly looking for ways to reduce it. Here is one thing that we can consider.
One nutritional strategy you can’t neglect…
By: Dr. Emil Tompkins, a family chiropractor in Northwest Tucson with a passion for helping families grow healthier every day! Our country is becoming unhealthier as we speak. Nutritionally, we don’t eat the things we need to achieve ultimate health. Is there something that can be done toRead More