This post is adapted from a transcript and since I sometimes talk like a 3rd grader, I apologize in advance.
I’m Dr Emil Tompkins and I get a lot of questions about neuropathy and one question that I hear is, am I dealing with plantar fasciitis or am I dealing with neuropathy? Let’s talk about that.
Plantar fasciitis is a pardoning and tightening a stiffening of the plantar fascia. This material that sits at the bottom of the foot for whatever reason, that starts to compress or get tighter. And so then with every step it becomes painful and over time it can become more and more painful affecting your ability to walk or your ability to run or engage in sports activities. And that can be a really debilitating thing because it does cause quite a bit of pain.
Peripheral neuropathy is different. Peripheral neuropathy is going to be something like you’re, you’re going to have damage to the peripheral nerves. When you have damage to those peripheral nerves, what’s going to happen is it’s going to lead to numbness or tingling or pain that starts at the toes and works its way up the feet. They can start at the fingers and work its way up the hands. And that’s a lot more serious because it’s incredibly, incredibly challenging to treat, but there are ways to take care of it.
So whether you’re dealing with plantar fasciitis or neuropathy or both, you want to see someone that is trained, that understands how to take care of each of those types of conditions. That is something that we can do right here. So you can call us at 572-1381 we’ll be happy to help you. I’m Dr. Emil Tompkins and I hope you have a great day.
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