The Hike
I love camping with my family and every so often we’d go on a camping trip and we, we really like to hike. And here in Southern Arizona, the Rocky mountainous green high desert terrain is really great for hiking and just seeing really beautiful things. But when our kids were small, sometimes they need a little motivation to keep going. So as the kind father that I am, I would tell the kids that the mountain lion eats the last one.
Now, this really helped my children to keep up with me sometimes and we didn’t have a lot of stragglers, but the truth is there was no mountain lion waiting in the bushes for the last one. It was simply a tactic to get my kids to keep up with me while we were camping and while we were hiking and sometimes it worked, but as they got older they understood what was really going on.
Don’t Fall For It
But in healthcare scare tactics are being used all the time. But do you know what’s really going on? Medicine will guilt you into wearing masks to protect you from the latest pandemic or vaccinate for every illness known to man or you’re killing your children, convincing you that a minor sickness will lead to something horrible unless you do something really invasive or drastic to your health.
It even happens in my profession. I’ve heard chiropractors telling their patients that without five years of adjustments then they’re going to die higher. Telling the 30 year old that they have the spine of an 80 year old or maybe in 10 years with this condition, you’ll be in a wheel in a wheelchair. Have you ever been the victim to fear based healthcare? If so, I’m so sorry because one, it doesn’t work. Scaring you into being healthier doesn’t make you healthier.
Time for different
One thing that we work on in our office is to one, do things quite differently. I’m committed to understanding the underlying causes of your health concerns and we’ll give you a plan of action to not only help you to feel better, but progressively increase your health so that your body really changes and your life really changes. You’re not going to hear threats of future death, paralysis or other scare tactics here. Just the truth about what you really can achieve once you take those important steps to be truly healthy. That’s how we do things here at Tompkins family chiropractic. I’m dr Emil Tompkins. Click the link below to schedule an evaluation and let’s see how we can move your health in the right direction.
Have a look at this article: Scheduling Online At Tompkins Family Chiropractic