So you’re dealing with neuropathy and you’d like to avoid medication. That’s actually something that that so many people are dealing with. Um, you’re going through so many health issues and by the time you have peripheral neuropathy and that continual damage to the nerves, a lot of times we feel like the only option we have is medication and then that builds up because when it comes to medication for neuropathy or medication for that nerve pain, sometimes that can help dull the pain, but over time you need more and more and more and the more of that medication you take, then the more side effects that you have. It starts to dull the nervous system. We notice that we’re tired or we’re not thinking as clearly or you know, some people report they feel like a zombie or they have some other crazy hallucinations and stuff that they’re not too excited about and, and when those things happen, we know that we definitely need a change.
Most people don’t want to be dependent on medication. And I’m excited because this program doesn’t require you to take any medication now as a chiropractor. Just understand. I don’t advise you one way or another on what medications you take. That is your choice. It is always your choice, and I’ll never tell you to go one way or another, but our protocol uses natural methods, is very specific kinds of supplements. There’s very specific kinds of light therapy, very specific kinds of electrotherapy, certain balance work and things that we do. And it really is all dependent on what we find very specifically what you’re dealing with and what’s going to be the best method to take care of you. So if you want something natural, they want something natural, it’s not going to cause crazy side effects and problems in that way, then then check it out, come to our seminar, see what we’re all about, and let’s start making a difference in your neuropathy. I’m dr Emil Tompkins. You have a great day.
Read Next: 4 Point Checklist For Neuropathy Relief