If you’re dealing with neuropathy, Let’s talk about some things you can do to help. Peripheral neuropathy is a product of nerve damage in the feet and or hands. It starts at the edges and works its way up the extremity. It’s going to cause pain, sometimes minor pain, sometimes severe.
And over time, it gets worse, and the pain increases, and the numbness increases until it eventually keeps you from walking, and it gets worse to something like an amputation. Now we certainly don’t wanna think about that. There is good news. There is an answer to neuropathy. There are things that you can do to get the pain to improve.
There are things that you can do to get the numbness to improve, and it’s exciting to see how it’s making a difference in. Of our patients. So let’s talk about it for just a little bit here. I’ve probably mentioned before that our protocol helps on a few different fronts. One, we focus on fuel nutrition in a way that’s going to provide you with nutrient-dense foods so that you have all the raw materials for you to begin to be able to heal.
Blood Flow
For blood flow, we use cutting-edge treatments to help improve blood flow, dilate blood vessels, and even help new blood vessels to form have been shown to happen with the kinds of treatments that we provide.
Activation. Once you fuel the body in the right way and begin normalizing blood flow, activation of the nerves will allow them to function more normally.
Very specific frequencies of electrotherapy can help make a huge. And how you’re feeling. We’ve been doing this for a few years, and our patients really do get better, but now we’re adding something else.
Laser Therapy
We’re adding a therapeutic laser, and this provides incredibly powerful blood flow improvements that help you to heal even faster than before.
The study measured foot pain from peripheral neuropathy after 10 treatments, and we found that the laser from Erchonia accomplishes three things for you. And each of these things have been supported by research, so we’ll talk about that. Number one is pain relief. The laser activates pain-gating mechanisms that will stop pain at its source, the brain, and the spine, sending a competing signal to improve pain.
Laser Therapy also decreases inflammation. Laser therapy activates the immune cells that take you completely through the inflammation process, decreasing pain, swelling, discoloration, all that stuff. It also helps with accelerating tissue healing. Neuropathy is damaging those nerves. Those nerves need to heal.
Cellular healing is increased and the tissues. Faster. So, if you’re in Tucson and want to heal from your neuropathy much faster, consider laser therapy for your neuropathy today. for more information and to see how laser therapy can help you. Call us at (520) 572-2596 or go to http://Tompkinschiropractic.com/laser-therapy and we’ll be happy to serve you.