I just wanted to shoot out a message to you to let you know about a small Medicare change that doesn’t necessarily affect you, your fees in here, or the care we provide. It’s just to make sure that we are in compliance with Medicare rules at Tompkins Family Chiropractic. It’s a form called an ABN which will detail services that Medicare pays for and those that they don’t cover.
Everyone on Medicare will need that form signed in their file to receive chiropractic care. Previously we would have just let you know that in our office that Medicare only covers chiropractic adjustments and other services are not covered.
But the ABN is a form that now just puts that in writing.
Remember, this does not change your fees or charges, it just informs you of what Medicare pays for and doesn’t
When you come to the office next, we will make sure you get this form to sign.
Let us know if you have any questions about this