Three months ago I couldn’t stand here and make this video this long. I would’ve been trying to figure out what I was going to do with the pain in my foot. I’m feeling no discomfort whatsoever.
Why I Started This Program
I initially came in because I’ve been treated by neurologists and orthopedic people and my feet still hurt, especially on the left side. I was experiencing a lot of pain and a lot of cramping was keeping me awake at night. The big thing for me was I travel quite a bit, typically, and I had decided I wasn’t going to travel anymore just because it was so uncomfortable trying to rest, trying to ride on an airplane for extended periods of time. After that, I’d be really challenged in trying to walk through airports and any kind of extended exertion, along those lines, was becoming increasingly difficult. The tingling in my feet was constant. I wouldn’t say it was painful, but it was certainly disconcerting. It never went away.
The pain seemed to be progressing up both legs to the place where the numbness and tingling had reached my knees and seemed to be wanting to go higher than that. So I wanted to do something to at least stop the progression if nothing else.
Well, part of the issue, of course, is I’ve been a client here for a number of years but I have a great deal of confidence in the system and the team. I was pre-disposed to like it. But getting started was a little difficult, just in terms of trying to figure out how to apply all the stuff to my particular situation. But once we got going I thought it went fairly smooth.
Some Adjustments
I had to make some adjustments to the diet, as I was dropping weight much more than I needed to. Some of the sensation in my feet has come back. The progression of the numbness has stopped and receded a little bit. The tingling and the numbness itself is no longer painful. I’m aware that it’s there, but it’s at a much lower level. Significantly. So the cramping is very minimal except on those days when I really overdo myself. But that has been significantly approved. So I’m getting ready to go back on the road.
Great Results
I can simply say I’ve had really, I think, encouraging results. At this stage I fully expect it to continue to get better. I would’ve been satisfied with just stopping the progress, but it’s been a lot better than that. It does require a little bit of determination and I have a wife that’s been very helpful as my trainer to keep me in line. But if you’re going to do it, give it your best shot. I have the confidence that it does work.
Have a look at this article: 4 Point Checklist For Neuropathy Relief