People come to see their chiropractor for many reasons. And amazingly, they will notice that other health problems improve after chiropractic care. Health problems that may seem “unrelated” change for the better for people under wellness Chiropractic care. Here’s one woman’s story. She experienced help by receiving chiropractic for low back pain and menstrual problems.
I have been suffering for about a year now, since last May, with constant bleeding issues. It’s been miserable last year. The first few doctors that I’ve been to have told me, “You have diabetes.” Then I hear, “Oh, you need to be on birth control,” and I’m more into the holistic methods of doing things. So I started to seek out my holistic doctor again. She did a few tests on me, and we found out I was gluten intolerant.
With my heavy bleeding issues, I’d lost so much blood that I was one point away from a transfusion status. It was pretty critical. There was one day when I came home and I’d lost so much blood, and I’d only been on a walk for about twenty minutes. I told my husband, “I feel like I’m dying.” I was praying to God that I would just make it through and make it to see my doctor, which was going to be in about a week.
Thankfully, I did make it. After she diagnosed me with the gluten intolerance, I decided I really needed to find out … Obviously this wasn’t the cure. It was time to start seeking alternative methods, and I wanted natural methods. I didn’t just want a bandaid. My back was bothering me, and I decided I was going to go to the chiropractor.
Search for a Chiropractor
So I got on Google, and I started looking for chiropractors here in the Marana area. A chiropractor close to home was important for me. Dr. Tompkins was the highest rated chiropractor in the area, not to mention it was close to home. So I started coming to Dr. Tompkins. He did a full x ray of my back, and he gave this wonderful little spinal chart that I looked at when I got home. I took a picture of my x ray, too, because I wanted to show my doctor, because I had a followup appointment with her in the next week.
Getting Answers
I took this picture and I studied my spinal column when I got home, and realized that it was pressing on some of my female areas, the different nerves I guess. The spinal column connects to different nerve areas. This is really interesting I thought, because all of these issues that I’m having are actually affecting my female areas.
I kept coming and I was really adamant to I’m going to keep trying this.3 adjustments and the bleeding has completely stopped. It was a miracle. I’ve probably been coming about nine times now, and absolutely no bleeding. I’m feeling so much better. My mobility has increased. I’m noticing when I’m driving and when I’m doing my daily activities, because I sit at a desk all day, I’m not having the tension that I was having. However, I have been doing his exercises, as prescribed. That, I would definitely say, has contributed to my range of motion. It’s making me feel better too.
Many chiropractors either don’t give exercises or give super simple ones. The exercises Dr. Tompkins gave me were hard, but I felt so much better with them. I totally believe in it.
So I went and saw my doctor for my followup appointment. I let her know that I’ve been seeing a chiropractor and all the wonderful things that have happened to me. It’s been amazing.
I’m very grateful for Dr. Tompkins, and his staff have been so professional with me. They show you around the office. They show you all the different areas where you can do your stretches and different exercises that will help with increasing flexibility. It’s just been amazing for me. Things are still improving, but so far, everything that I’ve been looking for has helped me so much.You should definitely come and check out his office, and sign yourself up for some chiropractic appointments. They are definitely worth it.