“I lost 25lbs, dropped 44 points from my cholesterol, 20 points off my blood sugar raised my vitamin D to normal levels, and I haven’t felt better.”
I changed my diet. There are specific changes to my diet that I had to make to improve my body’s ability to burn carbohydrates and lower my blood sugar. The steps were simple, but they weren’t easy in the beginning. But there are some steps to make this process so much easier. I followed a specific cleansing protocol. Formulated for me. After the cleanse was over, I made sure to reintroduce foods the correct way and I now understand clearly what are my problem foods and now I can continue to avoid them. My diet most resembled the Paleo diet with primarily meats and vegetables and I limited my sugars. I supplemented with a couple of supplements to normalize certain hormone levels. And I exercised in a way that helps me build muscle and lose fat constantly. I should be able to keep the weight down in the future if I stick to the recommendations I make for others. You ‘re probably thinking that this program is something you’d like to try but are wondering, “How do I know this is right for me?”: Exactly. This isn’t most appropriate for you. You will need a complete nutritional evaluation to understand your needs and health concerns and come up with a program that is based on your needs and health goals. With some planning and preparation, you can accomplish those goals.
I’ve developed a program that will help you to achieve those goals. You’ve probably seen or heard of Functional Nutrition specialists who do this sort of thing and charge thousands of dollars. What’s wonderful is that people are experiencing great improvements from the work that these doctors have done. But I’m going to offer you an opportunity to find out if this is right for you during a nutritional consultation in our office. Normally an hour long consultation varies depending on the services we’re offering, but we’re committed to providing this service for a fraction of that cost. We’ll sit down, take a good nutritional history and then come up with a plan of action. Anything I recommend will be tailored for you. And you almost have no choice but to feel better.
What happens during this consultation?
We will get a complete understanding of your health goals. Looking to lose weight? Decrease Cholesterol? Dealing with problems with your thyroid? Whatever your goal, we’ll come up with a detailed series of tests based on your health goals. Baseline measurements will be taken. You will get a clear understanding of where you stand as far as your weight, BMI, Body Fat percentage. Inflammation assessment. There are a few really good ways to understand if your body is going through an inflammatory process. Nutrition Action Plan: We will then create a nutrition action plan and get you on the road to better health. I will recommend a diet, supplements and fitness schedule to help you feel better, stronger, fitter, healthier.
Is this right for you?
This program is right for you if you are:
- tired of gaining weight, even though you’re taking steps to lose.
- concerned about bloodwork that isn’t looking very healthy (cholesterol, thyroid, blood sugar, etc.)
- have “normal” bloodwork but you feel terrible
- ready to drastically change your daily habits so you can drastically change your health.
Who this program ISN’T for:
- Someone in excellent health and have no real health concerns. If you exercise well, eat amazingly, have zero stress in your life, dance with unicorns in the summer (wait. unicorns?) Your life is definitely too good for you to need our program.
- Someone who doesn’t really care about your health. Yes, those people really do exist and if that’s you, I’ll see you when you get that scary blood work or other major health challenge.
- Someone not ready to make a change in their lifestyle. You may have been told that you should make some healthy changes in your life, but you aren’t convinced yourself. Don’t waste your time. You want the best results, be committed to make great change.
Ok I’m ready to start
Functional nutritionists charge on average $600 for this exam. I personally know a functional nutrition specialist that provides a great service for $697 for that initial evaluation. And it’s worth it. But we’re going to offer that initial exam and then a couple of extra bonuses. Video Workshop: 5 Ways Wheat is Killing You $67.00 Video Workshop: Stress Management for normal people $67.00 Video Workshop: Paleo for You workshop 67.00 Initial Chiropractic exam and x-ray, if you think you’d benefit from a chiropractic exam (I have pain, old injury, etc.) You can have a complete chiropractic exam and x-ray. (Normally 270.00)
Put it all together and we’re looking at 168 worth of services and products.
In our 12 years in practice, we have always committed to providing fantastic service for a great price. So we’re offering the opportunity to begin this protocol, and all the additional services and workshops for only $97 that’s over a 90% discount. That’s it, $97 will cover all the testing, the consultation and nutrition and supplement plan of action. This offer is so discounted that it is limited to the first 40 people who register. So it’s time to act now. Make the decision to change your health for the better. Click the link below right now. You’ll be able to place the order for your nutritional examination and then get an email with instructions on steps to take before your appointment.
$1168 only $97