If you take over the counter pain relieving medications. You’ll definitely want to check this out.
Do you take anti-inflammatory medications? If you do, then you are going to want to hear about this recent information regarding Advil and other anti-inflammatory medications. The Food and Drug Administration just released some new warnings, some new labels on certain non-steroidal over the counter anti-inflammatories. This list includes Advil, Aleve, and some of the other generic forms of NSAIDS. These anti-inflammatories that people considered safe they’re showing they really aren’t. I am going to share a little bit of this article.
These changes announced Thursday apply to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs including arthritis treatments like Celebrex. There is a plan to make similar changes to over the counter drugs in the same class, such as Advil and Motrin. Language in the pills labeling currently warns that they can increase the risk of heart related problems if used long term.
Here’s the interesting stuff. This new warning is stating that even when you begin to use one of these non-steroidal anti-inflammatories your heart disease risk increases – not after long term use, but in the early stages.
It says, new warnings state that heart attacks and strokes can occur in the first few weeks of taking the drugs.
So, you may be thinking, “I am safe because I am only taking it for a short time.” Just realize that heart attack and stroke risk happen right away. Know that even just beginning to take some of these medications can increase your risk for heart disease or stroke.
Question? Which pain would you rather have – the pain of the arthritis or the pain of something much more serious? The question you may be asking now is “if I can’t use my over the counter meds, what can I use?”
There are natural compounds, foods that are designed to decrease the amount of pain we are experiencing. There are foods or ways to eat that are anti-inflammatory and if we understand the steps to eat in an anti-inflammatory way, then you’ll experience less pain and other effects of inflammation.
It’s all included in a program that we offer in our office that helps people with this all the time. It is a 10 day anti-inflammatory program that involves 10 days of changing your diet. It’s a specific phase one diet , an elimination diet. You have to remove some of the things the body responses negatively to. Then you take very specific whole food supplements that are designed to help your body naturally decrease its inflammatory levels. It’s not like a medication that once you take it it’s going to just shut off those inflammatory pathways. This program will get your body to do it on its own.
There are a number of different compounds like Boswellia or Turmeric or Bromelain from a pineapple that are things that have pain relieving and anti-inflammatory effects in various ways. And they are FOOD. When you are getting these things from foods, the side effects are incredibly decreased or non-existent. It is just like eating food because that’s what it is!
If you are taking these non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications and you want to stop consider the anti-inflammatory program. It could change everything.
If you think you are needing to change your diet and reduce your anti-inflammatory consumption, begin our Anti-Inflammatory Program today. Call our office at 520-572-2596 and we’ll get you started.
I’m Dr. Emil Tompkins and I wish you a great day. I wish you a healthy day and a day free of pain. We will talk to you soon.