If you think that taking pain medication is going to solve the problems that you have with neuropathy. Think again, because pain relievers for neuropathy has been shown to cover up your problem. It’s simply going to cause you to be much less likely to truly heal from you neuropathy.
Hi, I’m dr. Emil Tompkins. And for the last 16 years, we have been taking care of families here in Southern Arizona. And I get it. If you’re dealing with neuropathy. If you’re dealing with pain can be so severe, you’re going to do whatever you can to feel better. But just understand that the problem with neuropathy is that you have nerve tissue, that’s dying, pain medication will stop you from feeling what’s going on, but the underlying problem is there. It’s going to be a problem for forever if we don’t heal those nerves.
The good news is, is that we’re starting to realize that nerves can heal. There was a time where it was said that once nerves are damaged, there’s no turning back. And that was about right. Then about the time that our, our, we started in practice 16, 17 years ago, we realized that nerves can heal. They heal slowly, but, but they can heal. We don’t understand how or why, but now we’re realizing that there are steps that we can take to start to help nerves, to heal quicker so that you feel better, but also, are healthier and function better in the process. And that’s really what we, what we want longterm, the program, the protocol that we use here, we call it our FFA method.
The Steps
And the three steps that you have to be able to follow is 1. FUEL We’ve got to fuel the nerves in a way that’s going to cause them to heal. You need the raw materials for those nerves to be able to heal. So certain nutrient dense foods, certain supplements and vitamins and things, you put them together and we start to see change. Then we want to affect 2. BLOOD FLOW. We have to increase blood flow. Usually our blood vessels get damaged with neuropathy. Diabetes is common. It’s not the only cause, but it’s one of them and the blood vessels get damaged. And when they get damaged, then you don’t get enough blood flow, enough oxygen to the area. And those nerves die. You have to increase blood flow to the area. There’s certain supplementation. There are certain foods or certain types of light therapy that can accomplish that dilation of blood vessels.
Then 3. ACTIVATION of the nerves is key, especially if they haven’t been functioning well for a long time. Now we’ve got to get them firing the way that they’re supposed to. So we take certain steps to activate and stimulate those nerves in a way that’s going to get them to start to function better. This isn’t magical. This isn’t something that happens very quickly either, but if you follow the steps in just the right order and just the right way, you can see changes in your that can literally change your life. And it’s changed the lives of patients around us.
So do you want to continue on the path of covering up the pain with pain relievers for neuropathy only to see the problem get worse? Or are we going to fuel? Are we going to improve blood flow? And are we going to activate those nerves so that you actually feel better?
Do these so your body can heal from neuropathy. So much better than trying to use pain relievers for neuropathy. That’s what I want for you. And if you want a more complete treatment that can change your life, then find us. There’s a link that we have for you to be able to schedule an appointment for us, to be able to see if the protocol that we use is going to be something that’s helpful for you, but I’m telling you if it is, it can literally change your life. I’m dr. Emil Tompkins, and I hope you have a great day. And I look forward to helping you heal from your neuropathy.
Click here to see how our patients have healed from their neuropathy symptoms.
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