by Dr. Emil Tompkins DC, DACCP, a pediatric chiropractor with a passion for family health and wellness, and committed to ending the misinformation that breastfeeding is wrong.
Breastfeeding is Wrong?
There is a fairly disturbing article that I read recently from the American Academy of Pediatrics that states that doctors need to rethink, their recommending natural things to their patient out of the “concern” that they’ll choose other natural items, leading them away from medical practices. Yes, they just might tell you breastfeeding is wrong so that you’ll not choose other natural options.
Check out the American Academy of Pediatrics Article here.
Did you know that it’s possible that natural could be – wrong? There’s a really interesting article from the American Academy of Pediatrics and they were telling their physicians recommended that you want to steer clear of recommending breastfeeding because it’s nature. Here’s the reason why: What they tried to say is that when you recommend something like breastfeeding, because it’s natural, because it’s healthier for mom, then that may convince them to do other things that are “natural” and maybe stay away from certain medical interventions that they were feeling could possibly be important.
You’re Kidding Right?
Are you serious? We’re actually saying not to do something that’s healthy and natural because we may choose to do other things that are healthy and natural? It just doesn’t make any sense at all. What in the world is wrong with breastfeeding being natural? Isn’t that why you choose to breastfeed in the first place? Or, is it because of the research done by the American Academy of Pediatrics that shows that kids who have been breastfed show higher IQ than those who haven’t? That kids who were breastfed show greater immune function than those who haven’t?
Allergy and Asthma Prevention
What about that breastfeeding helps eliminate or reduce allergies? It’s almost like a politician that flip flops on the issues where one day they say that breastfeeding is good. Breastfeeding is natural. Breastfeeding is the way that your baby should develop their nutrients and then deciding that, “Hmm, maybe not because then maybe you’ll choose other natural things instead of all the medial interventions that we, as medicine have to offer.”
I’m sorry, but the idea of not recommending something that is vital to the healthy life of a new born baby because it’s natural, because it may stop you from doing other invasive interventions, is just out right wrong. Let’s make sure that we don’t fall for these tactics. You’re much smarter than that. You don’t have to let me or anyone else determine what is right for you and your child and for your family’s health. Do the research yourself. Go out there and look at the research and decided what is going to be the best choice for you and your family. Consult with your doctors about those different things to make the best decision for you. When you do that, your body, your family will be healthier. If someone tells you that breastfeeding is wrong, realize their motives for doing so.
A New Movement
There’s a movement to say that things that are normal, that things that are natural, that your body healing the way that it’s supposed to, that somehow there’s something wrong with doing this. Well, we need to make a movement that is standing up to those who are trying to undermine your body’s ability to heal itself. That’s trying to undermine your baby’s body’s ability to heal itself. It’s time for us to start a movement, to make a change. To start living in a way that optimizes our body’s potential. You can do it. You owe it to your family to do it. Let’s make a difference today.
Stay Healthy!!
Dr. Emil Tompkins is a Pediatric and Family Chiropractor in Tucson, AZ. Over the last 13 years, he has cared for families and children every day. If you want to know more about how you or your family can benefit from chiropractic, please contact our office at 520-572-2596