Parents bring their baby to the chiropractor for a variety of reasons. Many parents bring their children to the chiropractor for wellness checkups after they are born. In our office, we see babies if the birth process was difficult, for ear infections, for colic, even for constipation Here isRead More
Cool video on Stress you don’t want to miss!
Here’s a really cool video that talks about what stresses us out and what to do about it. Enjoy
Why Stress Makes you Dumber
Stress has a negative impact on our health. I think by now most people are understanding that. But stress also afects your mind. Here’s why. Under short and long term stressful situations, your body releases adrenaline. The adrenaline takes blood away from your digestive system and brain and increases your heartRead More
Social stress can change your genes.
ScienceDaily (Apr. 9, 2012) — The ranking of a monkey within her social environment and the stress accompanying that status dramatically alters the expression of nearly 1,000 genes, a new scientific study reports. The research is the first to demonstrate a link between social status and genetic regulation in primatesRead More