So the reason you’ve been told to lower your cholesterol is to prevent heart disease, right? Well, statistically speaking, out of everybody that has a heart attack that’s hospitalized, only 25% of them actually have high cholesterol levels. That leaves 75% of them that have other risk factors that contributed to their, their heart disease. So dr Bowden and dr Sinatra, the authors of the great cholesterol myth, have discovered five main culprits of heart disease, coronary artery disease, one inflammation. Inflammation is a precursor to all degenerative diseases to free radicals, free radicals attack the LDL cholesterol. We are all always been told that if your LDL levels are high, you need to go on medication or you need to change, change your diet. Well, there’s a difference in LDL, there’s size particle size differences. So if you have high levels of LDL but the particles are large, you’re not at an increased risk of heart disease.
The problem is, is the free radicals that you’re exposed to go in and change the molecule size of the LDL to a smaller particle. When it becomes a smaller particle, they embed themselves in the wall of the arteries and that’s where the plaque formation begins. Three sugar sugar is a high inflammatory food sugar encourage and encourages and promotes the plaque formation in the heart for stress, one of the worst culprits you need to manage our stress. Stress increases blood pressure. Blood pressure is simply the measurement of the pressure in the walls of the artery as arteries of the heart. Five trans fats, the increased cholesterol, they increase bad cholesterol, LDL, which then gets transformed by the free radicals into smaller particles which embed themselves into the wall. Like I said, increase the plaque formation, they increase your triglycerides and they increase increase inflammation throughout the body. We have a great offer coming up for you guys. I have a wellness device called a heart sound recorder and what this device does is it measures your heart rate, rhythm and tone, and then it leads us to any nutritional deficiencies that your heart is showing so that you can live a happier, healthier life. So for the month of February, we are running a BOGO. Buy one heart sound recorder, get one free. That is a savings of $47 so give us a call here and schedule your appointment as soon as possible.
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