Do you really need chiropractic wellness care? You might think that you don’t need chiropractic care for, for maintenance or wellness. That is just for pain relief right?
And I get it. Chiropractic is great for helping people to relieve pain and who wants to have to go to a chiropractor anywhere all the time?
We Take Better Care Of Our Cars
Well, there’s a big problem with that thinking and to illustrate that let’s think about your car for a moment, because I believe that so many of us take better care of our cars and our bodies. Now let’s think about it. You drive safely, you get your car looked at when it makes crazy sounds. You get your oil change regularly and you never put less than 87 octane gas in your vehicle. Now I imagine if we didn’t make sure that our body’s functioning well, living in a way that was safe, that helped our body to function and feel normal.
What About Your Own Body
And we don’t always do that. Do we put high quality fuel in our gas tanks? If I think about it, even some of the things that I’ve put in, in my tank things that I chose to eat this year just might be equivalent to putting sand in the gas tank of my vehicle and living like this. If we live our lives like this, then it’s only going to lead to a decline in how we feel and a decline in our health in general. So it’s time to treat our body so much better than we treat our cars. It’s time to live in a way that’s going to help you see more than pain relief, but imagine actually feeling better and better each day. Imagine performing much better than you ever imagined. You could. That’s what wellness chiropractic can do for you. And here at Tompkins, family chiropractic are our three method gives you just that. There a new portion of the program is designed specifically to optimize your performance. So not only are those aches and pains going to go away, but you’ll feel better. You’ll increase your energy. You’ll improve sleep. You’ll lose weight through our chiropractic and nutritional recommendations, wellness chiropractic care. I know I wouldn’t want to live without it. It’s now time for you to achieve better health today with chiropractic.
About Us
Tompkins Family Chiropractic Marana and Northwest Tucson, Call 520.572.2596 http://www.tompkinschiropractic.com From back pain to sciatica, neck pain to headaches, ADHD to Autism, Dr. Tompkins creates an individualized health program to suit your specific needs. Come see why we were voted Best in the Northwest 3 years in a row. Whether you have pain with pregnancy, headaches, sports injuries or ADHD, migraines, or just want to be healthier, Dr. Tompkins has a program that will work for you and your family. Call us at 520.572.2596 and we’ll be happy to help your family grow healthier.
Have a look at this article: 5 Reasons Your Child Needs Chiropractic Care