Ever since you were a kid, you’ve been told to sit up straight. And you try, but then you struggled. Was it because you were lazy? No, of course not. Rather, there was something wrong with your spine that’s been causing your poor posture.
And the biggest problem is that at this point, we’re handling it all wrong. And there are so many ways to take care of your posture. To know more about posture, watch the full video here:
The Effective Posture-corrector
There are posture braces and reminder apps. But, they may lead you to disappointment. Why? Because you’re missing the underlying cause of the problem. Posture brace can be really challenging because the more you wear it, the more your muscles will stop working. And you’ll then become weaker and have more problems with your posture. For reminder apps, the moment you stop thinking about it, you’ll just return back to your old posture.
So we are offering you a solution to your posture problem. They cost less than many of those posture braces, and it’s going to address the underlying cause of the poor posture. Your spine and your muscles. Our core four system of posture balance is going to change your posture in a way that will help you feel better, look better, and make you healthier.
Why Should You Correct Your Posture?
Your posture is a window into your spine. When your posture improves, it can help the function of your spine, which is the gateway between the brain and the rest of your body. And when your spine is functioning, your body is functioning well. In our program, you will be training your muscles. And you will be stabilizing your posture in a way that it will maintain itself even when you’re not thinking about it.
So check out our new core four posture system today! It’s easy, you can even do it with the kids while they’re stuck at home with you.
Grab the program here: tompkinschiropractic.com/posture-program
See also: 5 Easy Exercises for Upper Back Pain between the Shoulder Blades
Check out this article: What Is Proper Standing Posture?